Kate and I got some alone time the other day
while Leah worked feverishly on an art project.
Kate was slowly finishing her lunch.
I glanced over at my devotional book on the chest next to the table where she was eating. I had been busy that morning and had neglected to read that days thoughts.
Picking up the Beth Moore devotional book to quietly read while Kate ate...
I heard her say, "Read me".
Oh Kate, you want me to read today's devotion to you?...
"Yes", she answered, nodding her head with a great big grin.
After reading the devotion, I picked up my bible to read a verse.
"I bible", Kate said pointing to her chest...."I bible!" she exclaimed,
meaning she had a bible at home.
"Kate, You have a bible too! How wonderful!"
"It's God's words"
Kate ran her fingers over the pages of my bible looking up to me to say, "God's word" as she ran her fingers down each page, if I didn't say it quickly enough
she'd say, "God's word".
she'd say, "God's word".
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
I went on to tell Kate that these words tell us how much God loves us.
"He loves YOU Kate!", I told her...she beamed...Kate gets it, she's two.