But....Denise Austin has staying power and LOOK at those abs at 52~! A great article about Denise was in our paper this morning in the Courier Journal. Included was a new half hour workout which includes interval training...
a new interest.
Walking 4+ miles everyday in the park and eating right was all I thought I needed to do to keep my weight off....not so I found out,
Walking 4+ miles everyday in the park and eating right was all I thought I needed to do to keep my weight off....not so I found out,
after I realized I'd gained almost 10 pounds.
How could that be!!!
I was eating pretty well and walking four and a half miles a day.
What I found out is....
my body had gotten used to the same old, same old and leveled off.
Since joining the gym and adding lots of different exercises, I'm seeing results after just 6 weeks. My favorite by far is Pilate's...love it!
Since joining the gym and adding lots of different exercises, I'm seeing results after just 6 weeks. My favorite by far is Pilate's...love it!
The Elliptical and Octane give me the most bang for my buck
burning twice the calories of the treadmill in half the time.
We still walk in the park
We still walk in the park
at least three times a week when weather allows...
that's our first love!
Another thing I'm working on is to drink more water...
Another thing I'm working on is to drink more water...
Denise gave these ideas to make water more appealing...
Slices of cucumber
Orange wedges
Shredded ginger
Mint Leaves
Chopped strawberries
Lemon slices
Two slashes of grapefruit juice
A peppermint tea bag
Green tea drops
A teaspoon of cranberry juice
Celery sticks
Orange juice ice cubes
Main thing is...never give up!
Never quit!
If you fall off the wagon..
get back on and on and on again!!
She does have nice abs, Maree!
Funny, I guess I'm just lucky and stay the same weight, 110 lbs. Do walk daily, and do a little exercise. and eat a low carb diet. In my case, the low carb is what keeps the weight off. Most people have a harder time eating low carb.
Have a great weekend. Never give up!
Hi Maree,
We just got back from a trip to Kentucy and Tennessee. I love Kentucky, I want to move there!!
Anyway about the whole healthy eating, I am happy to say that hubby and I both are doing great in that area but the weight is coming off very slowly....HOWEVER....I am not exercising and I know I need to, I'm just not there yet but at least I am on the healthy eating wagon. I am down 12 in 8 weeks, SLOW but at least I'm down!
Oh and I also heard add a vanilla bean and orange wedges to a pitcher of water!
I am not sure which route I went to discover your blog, but I am thankful that I did. I have just spent the last 15 minutes here and I have really enjoyed the time spent here. My dear friend has twin granddaughters from China too. Your little ones are so adorable! I appreciate your take on healthy eating too. I will come back here. The world of blogging has opened up so many special doors for me.
Denise Austin was my first experience (& love) with exercise! I found her on TV and never looked back and she DOES look AMAZING!! And I still love her (even though she can be exhausting!)
I like it when she says about your tush, "you better squeeze it, or no one else will!"
& We are "burning butter".......
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