Isaiah 12: 2
"See, God has come to save me.
I will trust in him and
not be afraid.
The Lord God is my strength
He has given me victory.”
Pronunciation [ek-spek-tey-shuhn]
the act or the state of expecting: to wait in expectation.
the act or state of looking forward or anticipating.
an expectant mental attitude: a high pitch of expectation.
something expected; a thing looked forward to.
Often, expectations. a prospect of future good or profit: to have great expectations.
the degree of probability that something will occur.
I'm gearing up to loose those last 10-15 pounds...I fully expect to do it.
I will do it!
I've come to the conclusion the reason we fail at diets is because we truly will ourselves not to succeed.
Too many times I went on diets I knew I couldn't keep up forever. For one reason or another they didn't make sense. Like the Adkins type...I lost the weight, but I really love all foods...I felt deprived so much that I knew I'd never keep it up....and I didn't... gained 30 of the 50 pounds I'd lost back....quickly.
I expected to loose weight this time. I could eat all foods ...anything...just in moderation. Plus, my daughter Melissa had been successful using . If she could do it....I could do it!
It came down to I expected to lose the weight and keep it off forever.
So if you have tried many diets and failed at all of them like me....there is hope!
Put on those fancy jogging shoes...
get out there....
buy those fresh vegetables, fruits....
walk, walk, walk every chance you get.
Expect to change your life and
you will!!!
I heard about this book while sitting in the car listening to a local radio show on WHAS. I was waiting for Dick while he was in the bank paying off his Expedition...getting our affairs in order. I was having a down day and switched on the radio to maybe find some happy music. Instead I heard this very kind man's voice saying...."Leap out in faith, move forward in faith, serve others, treat others with respect, put your hand in your heart". The nice guy with the soothing voice, went on to say, " Live in peace, the external things are not important, look inside your own heart and say thank you God for today".
Those words were just what the doctor ordered for me...I bought the book.
Little Kate will require them to step out of their comfort zones and begin a journey they have never been on before.
Melissa and Shawn are willing
and depending on God,
to be able.
Kathryn Mei Lin (meaning: beautiful little gem)
Chinese name: Zhang Hui (meaning: bright, intelligent)
Kate is from the Henan province in a Half the Sky Foundation Xinyang orphanage.
Born October 6, 2007 (almost 17 months old)
Expected to travel to China in 3-4 months.
make the world a better place.....
these two do.
I'm so very, very proud of you guys.
Without a doubt, you make this world better...
Love you with all my heart!
I look hair was another story..out of control hairdresser! ;-)
I really believe the reason I was able to loose the weight
and ability to keep it off this time,
is the realization that this is for the rest of my life.
Moving more, eating less forever.
Maybe today you are ready to get some control in your life...check out or Free websites that can help you log in the food you eat and give you the support groups that you need to get the help you need. Walking is free. You don't have any out of pocket expenses. We actually have saved money by eating out less and cooking more at home thanks to
Just take can do it!!
Note: I hate pictures of myself still...but if they help you, it's worth it! This article at SparkPeople is great!
Friday night Leah came over for a girls night with me...Pop was off on one of his skeet shoots...wild pucks and stuff. I was ready for her, had some of her favorite foods, (cupcakes!) and had some "projects" planned...this girl LOVES projects. While we worked on her projects we talked and talked....the subject of fried fish sandwiches (which I LOVE) came up. "Eeeewwww no, I would NEVER want a fried fish sandwich Gramma Re!....but let's talk about seafood I DO like." she offered. Leah went on to talk about clams, shrimp and the like. I was talking to a THREE YEAR OLD....seafood she likes? Leah looked over at the photographs on the table and glanced at the picture of Dick's mom when she was a little girl...whose that? "Oh...that's Pop Pop with a bow on his head." I teased her.
Jo Ann Fabric has them for 25% off right now.The kids have always teased Dick that this is really a picture of him....
Oh yes you are sweety!
You are our beautiful
Brave Princess
forever and ever!!
Love you, and can't wait
until our next
"Girls night out"!
I can't believe you got
your ears pierced!!
Here's a picture of us at our favorite pizza place "Bearno's" a couple of weeks ago.