Melissa and I were talking about losing weight, she asked me what I thought was the reason I could stay the course this time as opposed to all the other diets I'd been on and failed at
First of all, I'm not on a diet. I came to the realization that this is my life....forever. But, hands down logging onto a website that helped me to keep a record of the food I ate every day. For me is my go to spot to get calorie info....or log in for a few days if I need to get back on track. I tracked what I ate for about 8 months and lost about 60 pounds...most weeks I lost 2lbs.
It takes time to do it the right magic pill. After I lost 20 pounds, my body thanked me by letting me walk the first time in many years without pain.
Now I'm not the biggest girl in the picture any more...I blend with my girls!! Melissa my sweety pie daughter is to my left. Rachel (then 7 months pregnant) and Cheri, my beloved daughter-in-laws to my right.
Finding out the calories in the food I was putting in my mouth was eye opening.... I know things now... I can never go back to mindless grazing. Tracking the food I put in my mouth is HUGE! #1 reason I was able to finally get my life back.