Mom and Dad getting ready to meet Jack....Rachel was doing so well after many hours of labor...Rich was doing okay too.....hard to watch someone you love go through so much pain.

Rachel's doctor decided Jack was just too big for her little body to deliver. One C-Section later...

Meet Jack!!!!

Dad's hand

Welcome to the world little one....Gramma Re and Pop thank the Lord above for you.
Jack, you are a wonder indeed!

How sweet-what a great Father's Day this will be!!!Glad everything turned out well! How blessed we are and how rich we nare to have wonderful healthy grandkids!!!!
You don't look like a grandma though!!!!
Be blessed!
I am so happy for you all. He is so beautiful and your son looks so proud. I know you guys are thrilled. Praise the Lord everything went well! He's so cute!!
YES, what a perfect first Father's Day - a SON!! Welcome, Jack - we have waited for these first pictures, and they were worth it - what a big baby!! What a doll - I know you must really be over the moon, Maree :)
Congratulations Maree on little Jack. He is so blessed to have you for his grandma.
Congratulations...what a cutie he is and what a great daddy's day gift!
Congratulations! He is absolutely adorable!
Congrats! He is adorable and just in time for Father's Day!
He is a beautiful baby. I know you all are sl glad he is finally here. What a glorious day. Blessings
Congratulations! There is nothing quite like holding a newborn. Blessing to you and yours!
Congratulations! I just found your blog last night while googling banana bread recipes and I feel like I have come upon such a wealth of knowledge! It was really neat to read an old post where you mentioned you were starting to count calories and then I was able to "fast forward" a year or so and see your wonderful results. You look great! So now I am reading all the things in between and feel like I am learning so much about how to eat better. I've just turned 30 and feel this desperation to get us as healthy as possible lately. I ate at Chick-fil-a for the first time today due to your recommendation! I couldn't believe the healthy choices. Before, and where I have gotten into troube, is I have had the mentality that eating out means splurging and I would splurge with my taste buds too. I'm learning it's really easy to just make healthy choices. I did wonder, I read somewhere you tried to eat at least 25g of fiber daily. Did you have any other guidelines you would go by... like a max amount of fat or carbs, etc? I'm just curious because I am so proud of your success and hope to "steal" as many of your good habits as possible! Thank you so much for having this blog and being my newfound inspiration.
Robin :O)
Hi Maree! Thank you so much for replying to me. You are so kind and generous to reach out and help others like this. I am saving your comment so I can utilize your wisdom till it is engrained in me! I have used TDP for a while, but I am learning how to use it MORE now. Tracking and writing to make it a more effective tool. I just want to get to a point where these things are natural... where healthy choices are just automatic, not forced or an effort... if that makes sense. I am still reading through your blog and learning so much. You have such a lovely family and seem like wonderful people. Thank you again!
Congratulations on your new Grandchild. How bowled over we Grandparents become. Nothing like it.
I was back in Kentucky for a while in your last post. Nostalgic.
Congratulations Grand kids are the Best!!!
What a big beautiful baby boy! You have had quite a month with Kate's homecoming, Leah's birthday, and Jack's arrival. Hope all is going well with each family's new addition.
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