Dick and I love these English muffins....8 grams of fiber. We try to get at least 25 grams of fiber each day.

Still have to have some fun in my diet so I don't feel deprived...usually it's Edy's ice cream for sweet and Pepperidge Farm Natural wheat crackers (17 crackers have 140 calories) for salty.
I found these Wheat Thin Artisan cheese crackers at Walmart, 14 cracker have 140 calories...not high in fiber but meet that salty craving I have around 3:30-4 o'clock each day...I used to think it had something to do with Oprah since her show comes on at 4pm. I stopped watching Oprah when she started that New Earth stuff...but still get that salty craving almost everyday, so I plan ahead and CONTROL the urges with these type crackers.
Even with all the stress Dick and I have been going through, we have been able to use the tools we learned over the past year to keep the weight off. We still measure everything and try to eat healthy and get some exercise every day.
Thanks everyone for your prayers and support! We have been busy forming a new business and KNOW that with God's help, ANYTHING is possible!!
Our teaching pastor Kyle Idleman had the BEST sermon Sunday about, really truly, Trusting God....you can find it here . After this service he had all the Elders and their wives to come forward to pray with the many members whose wells have run dry....WOW!!! So many people have lost retirements, investments and jobs. Kyle's sermon helps makes some sense of all this. God Bless!!
Hi Maree,
Totally there with you on the Fiber One bars....I had to give them up. I do love those English muffins and I like to have them with a little bit of natural peanut butter on them.
I definitely could use some more fiber. I will look for these muffins. They look delicious!
Have a great weekend!
What a great post! I must listen to the sermon. I am getting back on track with my eating.
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