Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday Sam!!

I can't believe

you are



Pop Pop and Gramma Re

wish you a very

Happy Birthday

We love you very much

you are so very special to us!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


S * A * M

~cheers 'n tosses confetti~

I hope 'n pray it's a wonderful, magical birthday! Maree, have been enjoying your posts... loved the one with the W.of Oz memories... best wishes on your upcoming move... I hope it's all that you dream for! God bless...

~hugs 'n prayers~


Renie Burghardt said...

A Very Happy Birthday to Sam!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Day Sam. You are a big #4!! Have a wonderful day.

(Friend of Gramma Re)

Pink Slippers said...

Happy Birthday little guy! I have to borrow that cake decorating idea. It looks so cute.

Nana Trish is Living the Dream said...

How very adorable! Happy Birthday, Sam! You have a wonderful Gramma and you look like you are growing so much.

Maree, I have missed being online with my bloggy friends. I hope my big project is behind me and I can resume my treasured time of reading my friends' posts. You are special to me and I have missed you.

It's so cold and I put my beach picture up on my banner. But of course, I have these crazy hot flashes and it feels like 10 electric blankets are on you. I took the hormones for 28 years and I'm trying to get off them, but wow it is a challenge. luv ya, Trish