Thursday, January 15, 2009

My friend.

Life took a turn for the better today and I have one person to daughter Melissa. I am blessed over and over by her. Sissy is gorgeous to look at but even more beautiful on the inside....pure gold.

We laughed, we cried....

I decided we would survive.

Thanks Sissy

for giving your all in everything you do

and being a wonderful daughter

and friend!


Pink Slippers said...

I will know the blessings of raising wonderful daughters one day. God sure blesses us when he gives them to us. She is beautiful and glows from the inside out.

Anonymous said...

What a sweet tribute to such a beautiful woman, Maree... I'm so glad for all of the wonderful blessings God's given to you over the years...

~hugs 'n prayers~

Jodee said...

What a sweet post for your daughter! I enjoy her blog too!

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful just like her mama. I miss you already!!


Anonymous said...

Oh wow,thank you Mom. We will always be there for each other in the good times and bad to lean family is my everything.

You are beautiful inside and out and I am so very proud of You and Dad. You are a survivor.

Love you!

Nana Trish is Living the Dream said...

Isn't it wonderful to have sweet grown daughters? God has blessed me and I am so thankful. I will email you back when I get some time. I thought I was done with the report, but this weekend I will be working on it and hope to finish Monday. I am so anxious to hear everything that's going on. luv, Trish

I tried to read LeAnn's blog and couldn't get in. Please tell her I miss her.