Wednesday, October 1, 2008


My wishes for Sammy.......
happy days with
rocks to turn over
bugs to find
and moonbeams
and flowers
so define
hippo's and monkeys
and cow's that go moo
horses in pajamas
and a yak or two
sleepy turtles
silly rabbits
these things I wish you'd find
finally dearest, dearest Sammy
gram and pop
send to you
lots of hugs and kisses
a couple of snuggles too
but most of all sweet Sam a
I love you!

For you who may be new to my blog, Sam is our 3 1/2 year old grandson. Last year our son Brad and daughter in law Cheri adopted Sam from Russia. He is our sweet boy, we are so proud of him.....he brings us so much laughter and joy!


Football and Fried Rice said...

Sam is such a doll!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a cutie!

I'm sure he does bring alot of joy and laughter to your family... not to mention Love!

Nana Trish is Living the Dream said...

Sam is adorable and I'm sure he is loved so much. Aren't we blessed to have such sweet grandchildren? God is so good!

Anonymous said...

How did I miss this post??? What an adorable child!!! I would be smooching on him all the time if I was his grandma.
